Friday Nov 25 in Kathmandu

Friday, after a delightful night's sleep, I awoke in room 107 of the Kumari Inn in Kathmandu.
Notice my sleeping bag in the bed. These buildings are not heated and are poorly insulated. Consequently I find the additional warmth of my sleeping bag to be beneficial.
The sunrise was spectacular. I enjoyed a delicious breakfast and then was picked up by Dr. Nisha who drove me to the Fulbright Nepal office.

During the short drive from the Guest House to the Fullbright office, I observed this monkey walking across this telephone line. That's something you don't see in Dallas! Also, note the mass of cabling attached to that pole.

At the Fulbright Nepal headquarters, I filled out lengthy paperwork to acquire a Nepal bank account and to obtain an extended visa here. Pictured me with me in this photo is Tina Lama. Tina is one of my primary contacts here, facilitating the details of my visit.

Dr. Nisha returned to the Fulbright HQ and then drove me to the Tribhuvan Institute of Medicine, School of Dentistry, where she teaches in the department of conservative dentistry and endodontics. This is a relatively new dental program which has not yet graduated its first class. In this picture, Dr. Nisha introduced me to the fourth your dental school class, which will be the first one to graduate. 

I was invited to demonstrate a restorative dentistry technique, and was happy to oblige.

After school, Dr Nisha took me out for a late pizza lunch. It was delicious, with olives, mushrooms and spinach.

I returned to my guest quarters at the Kumari Inn. Because of the late large lunch, I enjoyed a delicious chicken vegetable soup for my supper.

The plan going forward will be for me to spend most Fridays in Kathmandu at Tribhuvan U with Dr. Nisha. I look forward to helping her and her colleague, Dr Anu, with their teaching responsibilities. I'll be spending three nights every week in Kathmandu at this guest house. I'll be here Thursday through Sunday. I'll ride to Kathmandu Thursday nights with Dr. Kafle, and then return with him to Dhulikhel on Sunday mornings. In Nepal, they don't take a two day weekend. Saturday is their one day off work.


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